16 Sep The skin is cracking on the hands: Solving the problem
Whatever we do in life, in all hands are our main assistants. Hands should always look well -groomed – because they are always in front of others. Often happens that the condition of the hands causes fear. This is due to the fact that the skin of the hands is subjected to negative chemical or atmospheric influences, in addition, such a phenomenon as vitamin deficiency can greatly affect the condition of the skin on the hands in the best way. One of the most serious problems of the skin of the hands is cracks on the hands of Esli-Treskaetsya-kozha-na-Rukax, which may occur for a number of reasons.
The most common external factors that are the reason that the skin on the hands cracks is temperature fluctuations, prolonged contact with water or with chemical. substances, insufficient moisture. Interior reasons include hormonal failure, vitamin deficiency, eczema, fungus and other skin diseases.
A sign that the cause of cracks is internal changes, are cracks between the fingers and at their endings, as well as on the palms. These changes are a serious bell to contact a specialist to identify and stop the problem.
Getting rid of cracks on the hands and preventing their appearance
In the event that the skin is cracking on the hands of Esli-Treskaetsya-Kozha-na-Rukax formed due to the influence of external factors, it is worth, first of all, to limit contacts with the alleged irritant, and then closely engage in symptomatic treatment. Do not forget that the components of household chemicals have a rather aggressive effect on the skin of the hands – do not neglect rubber gloves with household chores.
Herbal decoctions of chamomile, linden and other valuable herbs will be a good help when washing his cracked hands. Such decoctions soothingly affect damaged skin and protect the skin of the palms and fingers from cracks. In addition, it is best to use baby soap without aggressive substances for washing your hands. Also, do not forget that the cracked skin of the hands needs continuous moisture and softening. This will reduce pain and will make it possible to heal the cracks quite quickly. For this purpose, it is worth picking up a special cream from cracks in the hands in the pharmacy.
Deep cracks that do not heal for a rather long time require the observation of a specialist who will determine the cause of the problem of skin cracks on his hands and probably prescribe conservative treatment. Timely seeking a doctor cannot be overestimated – if the cause of cracks is a fungus, self -medication can lead to deplorable results.
If the skin is cracking on the hands around the nails, this is a signal that the body experiences vitamin deficiency. This most often happens in winter, but vitamin deficiency can be prevented by taking the vitamin complex.
It is the prevention of cracks on the hands that is the easiest way to never know about this problem. At low air temperatures, with prolonged contact of hands with chemicals or just water – it is always worth using gloves that protect the skin of the hands from negative effects. Thorough hands care and timely reception of a complex of vitamins will allow your hands to always be healthy.
Folk remedies of struggle if the skin is cracking
Cracks on the hands do not always require conservative treatment, in some cases you can use folk recipes. I have a positive effect on damaged skin of warm baths with decoctions of herbs with wound healing properties. The duration of applications should be about ten minutes, and then it is worth applying a nutritional product.
Dry skin of the hands responds well to honey-glycerin applications. To do this, take glycerin, a spoonful of honey and a couple of tablespoons of water, mix and combine the resulting mixture with wheat or oatmeal flour. This application is applied to irritated skin for half an hour. Another way to care for dry skin of the hands is an oil applique under thread gloves at night.
For the maximum effect of treatment, which allows you to forget the problem when the skin on the hands cracks, it is worth introducing into the diet products that are saturated with vitamins A, B, E. These include cottage cheese, cheeses and other dairy products.
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