Англійська мова є міжнародною при діловому спілкуванні, налагодженні бізнес-контактів. Ця сторона діяльності вимагає знати також специфічні терміни, розуміти контекст.
Старые автомобили - это не просто технические устройства на колесах. Они представляют собой символы эпохи, кусочки истории, запечатленные в металле и механизмах.
The dedicated Handbag Sense boutique offers luxurious and elegant handbags from leading brands. An impressive selection of bags from the world's leading brands will allow every fashionista to choose a stylish accessory to suit her taste.
To create a comfortable and stylish environment around you, you need to choose the right outdoor furniture. The specialized company BrightYards is a manufacturer of mass outdoor furniture.
An innovative product called ISPmanager, which is a powerful control panel for hosting providers and web developers, quickly gained popularity in a fairly short period of time and became very popular in the information market.