29 Sep Sewing clothes from astronomer sport with the possibility of applying machine embroidery
The proportions and physique of each of us are purely individual. The stores offer clothes that are sewn on an average person with approximate standard standards. Yes, and there is no need to talk about exclusivity, because things from the store are “cloned” both by colors and models and in dimensional rows. Therefore, in order not to become a person with the wardrobe of the “middle” appearance and quality, more and more often we began to use the services of tailoring clothes in the studio. The thing sewn on you, sitting “from a needle”, developed by fashion designers in strict accordance with your preferences – this is what is favorably distinguished by a stylish and appreciative personality.
Clothing sewing services are popular not only among women, but men are not far behind in this matter. Making outer clothing, men’s and women’s costumes, various dresses and outfits, jeans, shirts and blouses – these are the most frequent orders by a tailor.
Ателье «Астрон Спорт» изготавливает всевозможные виды и модели одежды
Спектр услуг пошива нашего московского ателье очень обширен:
Предметы женского гардероба –
Платье (вечернее, повседневное, ретро, для выпускного)
Деловой костюм (жакет, жилет, пиджак, брючный или юбочный вариант)
Юбка, брюки, шорты, комбинезон, джинсы
Блуза, футболка, рубашка
Мужская одежда –
Костюм («двойка», «тройка»)
Рубашка, сорочка, футболка
Брюки, шорты, джинсы
Также вы можете заказать:
Верхнюю одежду ( куртки, пальто, плащи)
Спортивную (толстовки, костюмы)
Джинсовую одежду
Популярностью в нашем ателье пользуются не только индивидуальные, но и оптовые заказы, пошив спецодежды, униформы и корпоративной одежды, подробнее на странице uslugiuslugi-poshiva
Услуги пошива одежды из качественных материалов
Натуральные: хб, лен, шерсть, шелк
Искусственные: вискоза, ацетат
Using high -quality synthetics
Unique feature
When sewing clothes, you can use the services of machine or computer embroidery in the Astron sport atelier of any complexity.
How to make an order
one. Call or application on the site
2. Discussion of details and requirements
3. The approval of the layout
four. Contract + payment
5. Stage of Appendix and Manufacturing
6. Issuing a finished order
Why is it worth using the services of sewing clothes
– Our masters know a lot about sewing art: huge work experience and creative approach
– The best sewing equipment on which any sewing delights are implemented
– A variety of options in our catalogs. Huge selection of fabrics and accessories
– We can make clothes according to your sketches and samples
– Machine and computer embroidery of any complexity on high -tech Japanese equipment
– The shortest manufacturing periods (there is a “urgent sewing” service) at minimum prices in Moscow. We sew small wholesale in 7 days!
Spin off:
Payment system: we accept it
Regular customers and wholesale customers – “tasty” prices and offers
Online order gives you a 20% discount!
The cost of services for sewing clothes
Prices for sewing clothes in astrona sport are the most attractive in Moscow (with an increase in quantity – discounts increase). When sewing each order, we take into account:
Type of clothing, model, material, accessories
Work volumes and the complexity of manufacture
Exclusiveness of the created item of clothing
Whether additional decor and decoration were used
Type and complexity of embroidery
The urgency of the order
The final number of products (set, party)
The preliminary cost will be calculated by our experts, more on our website Astron-Sport!
For example, sewing a female skirt made of thin wool with exclusive embroidery on the lining will cost about 3,900 rubles.
Prices for sewing men’s and women’s clothing
Jacket (female, male) – from 5,000 rubles.
Coat, cloak – from 7,000 rubles.
Jacket, jacket – from 1,500 rubles.
Female blouse – from 1,000 rubles.
Shirt, male shirt – from 1,000 rubles.
Men’s pants – 2,500 rubles.
Jeans – from 1,500 rubles.
Skirt – from 1,500 rubles.
Women’s pants – from 2,000 rubles.
Male suit – from 4,000 rubles.
Women’s suit – from 3,500 rubles.
Future – from 400 rubles.
Sweatshirt – from 1,500 rubles.
Dress – 1,500 rubles.
Overalls – 2 500 rubles.
Vest – from 500 rubles.
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