16 Apr Little breast care rules
Little breasts are a subject of admiration for many. In order to save it in shape or restore after feeding, you must take care of it. Applying the following rules, you will admire your forms.
The first and most important care rule is to maintain posture. Когда спина ровная грудные мышцы подтягивают бюст, улучшается кровоснабжение, да и визуально он станет больше и подтянутее. Pay attention to how you hold your back and, right from today, take control of this process.
Your breasts are too strangled or it is very spacious for it? Then you should reconsider whether you have chosen a bra. The condition of the chest directly depends on this accessory. Too close will squeeze, thereby impaired blood supply, and it will quickly lose elasticity.
A bra that does not support the breasts should also not be worn. Without support, she sags and loses its shape. And at night, be sure to remove it, your breasts also need rest.
Although the female bust consists of adipose tissue, the pectoral muscles play a large role to ensure its beauty. Thanks to exercises, the breasts can be lifted and a little corrected the form.
Exercise 1. Push -ups. Да, обычное отжимание имеет большую эффективность при условии регулярных занятий. Оптимальное количество 10-15 отжиманий в один подход.
Exercise 2. Сжимание ладоней. Руки сведите вместе, и разместите ладони на уровне середины грудной клетки. Со всей силы сдавливайте руки, как будто они соревнуются друг с другом.
Упражнение 3. Руки врозь. В этом упражнении потребуются бутылки, наполненные водой, или если есть маленькие гантели. Лягте, выпрямите руки перед собой и немного согните их в локте. Начните разводить руки, пока локти не коснуться пола и вернитесь снова в начальное положение. Упражнение следует делать 15-20 раз.
Упражнение 4. Scissors. В положении стоя, руки выпрямите перед собой и скрестите их, чтобы одна рука находилась над второй. Начинайте чередовать руки при каждом взмахе.
Exercise 5. Support. Put two hands on each other under the chin, raising your elbows to the height of the shoulders. Start resistance between folded palms and chin, overcoming resistance. Do it 20 times.
With the daily lesson of these simple exercises, in three weeks you can see a clear result.
Hygienic procedures
Shower or bath. Breast really does not like long -term stay in hot water, so minimize long hot baths. But a contrast shower is a very useful procedure. Such a daily procedure will perfectly affect the condition of the chest.
Massage. Make massage in a circular motion in front of the shower and on time it. Massage the skin with ice cubes and when apply a nourishing cream. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the bust. But do not overdo it, massage must be done carefully, without strong pressure and sudden movements.
Masks and creams. In order to maintain an attractive chest or improve its condition, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on cosmetics.
The most effective and proven tool is a mixture of orange juices, cucumber and lemon. Mix these ingredients in a proportion of 1: 1: 1. You can also use the juice of each ingredient separately, or just cut products in circles. Keep such a mask for 5-10 minutes. And use once every two weeks.
A delicious dessert called strawberries with cream will appeal not only to you, but also your chest. This mask has a magical property of moisturizing and nutrition. Mix cream or sour cream with strawberries and apply to the neckline. After application, you need to lie down for 15 minutes.
After masks, water procedures and just twice a day, a moisturizer should be used. Therefore, the choice of daily cream react responsibly.
A huge plus of a small breast is that, compared to large, it is subject to easy restoration. Sagging large forms is difficult to return the former appearance, except with the help of surgical intervention. Therefore, use these simple recommendations, and your chest will not only recover, but will also delight with its freshness and beauty for many years. Checked on yourself.
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