29 Mar Touch panel, Samsung video wall and seamless plasma panels
The modern touch panel is a device that controls the cursor, which is usually equipped with a controller and the necessary cables. The controller receives a signal from the panel, processes and issues in the protocol, which is convenient for the system. Using sensory technology, you can do without the usual keyboard and mouse, the necessary function is selected by touching the desired image on the display.
Traditionally, the touch panel is used both at home and for the office: during the operation of payment or information terminals, sensory kiosks and monitors. В зависимости от особенностей экрана касание осуществляется специальным пером для ввода, рукой в перчатке, пальцем либо любым подходящим предметом. Today there are five subspecies of sensory technologies: surfactants, infrared, electromagnetic, resistive and capacitive.
To attract the attention of a large number of people, seamless plasma panels are used. A large external screen gives dynamic visual information to a wide audience, it is known that our brain perceives such information in an unlimited volume. The modular solution for creating a video station allows you to mount objects of any required sizes with an area of tens to hundreds of square meters. The only condition is that the size of the video wall is kraten the size of the modules that make it up.
Video steel is extremely effective in industries, where every minute control over continuously incoming information with a high level of responsibility for decisions made is important. It can be energy, transport, telecommunications and similar. Not indifferent to video works and industries of the advertising business and entertainment.
Ведущие позиции в сфере производства видеостен принадлежат компании Samsung. Samsung video wall on LCD panels, in which a decrease in the structural thickness of the corps edging is applied, are a new word in the production of video. A minimized seam between neighboring modules, which is 6.7 mm, makes it almost invisible, and the image – whole.
Samsung New Video Wheels is named the LFD panel, that is, a large format panels. LCD panels are quickly mounted on a special rack that can combine individual groups of panels in video walls. Such groups can be placed both in a single plane and at an angle. They are suitable for airports, exhibitions, halls of large companies.
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