12 Feb The role of dad in the life of the child
In modern society, more and more fathers are also responsible for the appearance of the baby, like mothers. And this is right, because the active participation of the dad in the affairs of the family helps the child to grow happy and makes mom happier and dad himself happier. In some families, parents still believe that at first the child needs only mom and dads try to stay away from the child, until he grows up and begins to walk on his own and speak. But dad can give so much to his child from the very beginning of his life! And the very fact of the presence of dad has a positive effect on the psychological health of the child.
From the first days, the baby has an idea of a model of family relationships. In his life, she will play a huge role. On the example of his parents, the child learns to distinguish between the role of man and woman in the family, and what should be the relationship. Typically, mom provides her home well -being and comfort, gives affection and tenderness, and dad is the earner and defender of his family.
The child begins to feel very early how different people can show love for him differently and this is normal and correct. When the baby receives care and food from his mother, and for example, entertainment and playing from dad, he understands that the world is not limited to only one mother and grows more independent, active and curious.
If dad participates in raising a child, it is very good for both the child and for mom. And in the successful development of the child as a harmonious personality, only the father is able to give him something that mother cannot. Therefore, in the upbringing of the baby, the mission of dad is incredibly important.
In such areas of raising a child, the most significant participation of the father is the most significant:
In the first year of the baby’s life, the participation of his father in his physical development is very important. Usually the games of the fathers differ from how mothers play with them: dads feel more confident and are not afraid of active games, father can ride on shoulders or backs, turn and throw a child, teaches him to somersaults. Such games contribute to physical development, the baby begins to crawl faster, walk, better orient himself in space.
In the development of the child’s thinking, dad can also provide invaluable assistance. Father can teach a child more correctly and faster to say what this mother or grandmother will do. This is due to the fact that the dads do not “lick”, carpeting the words, trying to adapt to the baby. In men, it is better to teach children manipulations with various toys or objects, for example, with a designer. Interacting with his father, the child expands his horizons, and this forms a wider circle of interests in him.
At the age of age, the baby learns to “separate” from his mother (for example, when he is taught to his crib, he is introduced to the kindergarten), at this stage of growing up, dad can help him feel safe and pass this period painlessly. Father’s participation is very important for building harmonious relations in the family.
Dad teaches the child to correctly perceive social hierarchy – submission and accountability. The child learns to understand what “authority” is, praise and punishment. The fact is that mother’s love is unconditional, she loves the child only because he is, but the father makes certain demands on him and the child seeks to meet him. Unfortunately, in many families of our country, mothers try on the role of the father and deprive them of unconditional love, in this case, it is necessary that the family will have the role of the mother. It is very important that the child feels and understands that he is valuable for parents in itself, despite his achievements and misses.
Father’s participation in the formation of sexual identification is very important. By his example, the father teaches his son what a man should be able to and do and what to do in certain situations. Most likely, subsequently, the boy will adhere to approximately the same model of behavior. For a girl, communication with her father helps her identify herself as a future woman. Expressing approval of abilities, behavior, appearance of her daughter, her father forms a positive self -esteem in her. Very often daughters, choosing a companion for themselves, want to see in him the qualities that they liked in their father.
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