14 Feb How to build a house
In the process of building a personal house, it is very important to pay attention to several necessary points that can affect the process of all construction, and, accordingly, to the operation of an already built house. If they are not taken into account, this can do for the developer quite expensive. Let us consider more common errors, sometimes made in the process of construction. Marking the house. The entire upcoming construction of the construction depends on what accuracy the markup depends on. First, it is necessary to carefully study the project. It is important to find out what sizes are axial and which are the overall. If you make an error with the size, then the built foundation will be completely different, like the whole object.
This will certainly entail changes in the estimated cost and consumption of building materials. And the area of the erected premises may not correspond to the design sizes. For some designs of houses erected, these errors can turn into a very seriously. For example, if a panel-panel object is built, then the differences from the design dimensions can lead to a violation of the general technology of assembling panels, and of course, to excessive expenses.
The foundation of the house. In order for the foundation of the house to function well, it must be performed by homogeneous. One of the frequently arising errors that builders make is a combination of several types of foundations. For example, when the foundation of the tape type, they try to strengthen with piles or additional columns.
With a favorable outcome, such an increase will not work, and the funds will already be spent, and in the worst case, will lead to the destruction of the foundation. This happens when the enhancement columns will interfere with the foundation of the foundation, with extensions depending on the temperature of the medium. This design will be
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