10 Jun Fatty fat skin care oily skin
A small test will help determine the type of your face skin: in the morning before washing the paper cloth, get your face, if it remains oily traces, then you are the owner of oily skin. But these are not all signs, as a rule, oily skin of the face has an unpleasant shine, often an acne, especially in adolescence and wide pores, similar to a skin of lemon or orange. Not a very pleasant sight, tell you. And you did not even know that oily skin of the face has advantages – it remains young longer, since wrinkles appear much later than owners of normal and even more dry skin, as well as the secreted skin, is a protection from a harmful environment.
As for any type of skin, oily skin needs to be careful in order to remove oily shine and narrow the wide pores. What is oily skin care? All in order:
Cleaning. In no case do not try to “degrease” your skin with strongly acting cleansing agents, nature will take its own, that is, the skin will try to restore the deficiency of fat, and the result will turn out the opposite, even more skin fat and brilliance on your skin. Try to cleanse the skin in the morning and in the evening with soft cleansing agents containing antibacterial substances, they will help you prevent the blockage of pores and inflammatory processes.
Peeling. Pilling your oily skin, just necessary. Two to three times a week with a scrub for oily and inflamed skin, exfoliate and remove the keratinized upper layer, small grains and granules located in scrubs, improve blood circulation, thereby help to prevent the blockage and acne occurs. Do not make mistakes, you should not peel your face every day, in order to avoid the opposite result.
Прыщи. Если таковые имеются на вашей жирной коже, ни в коем случае не выдавливайте их сами, можно занести инфекцию, лучше обратитесь к специалисту косметологу, и он поможет вашей проблеме. Пройдитесь по аптекам или косметическим магазинам, сейчас очень много лосьонов для лечения угревой сыпи и они просты в применении, если руководствоваться инструкцией. Лосьоны содержащие окись цинка помогают сузить поры, а салициловая кислота, как антибактериальное средство, способствует быстрому заживлению прыщей.
Cream. При выборе крема для лица, вам тоже надо быть внимательной. Ваша задача увлажнить кожу увлажняющим кремом с минимальным содержанием жировых компонентов и не содержащим масел. Крем наносят только на очищенную кожу, легко похлопывая подушечками пальцев. В современной косметологии появляются такие новшества, как гидрогели. They are very light in structure, do not contain fat and oil, which is ideal for your oily skin. Try it.
Makeup. In order to hide the shine hated by you, it is necessary to use the tonic for degreasing the skin after cleansing, it will help remove all the pollution, calm the skin and prepare it for makeup, wipe the face with a soft cotton pad and let it dry. I would not advise you to use a foundation, enough powder, it is better if it is crumbly, which will absorb excess fat, and the skin will look perfect. But, the compact powder should be at your fingertips during the day in order to correct makeup.
Special procedures – masks. Like any type of skin, oily skin must also be pampering with masks. The easiest way is clay masks, they dry, narrow the pores and prevent the appearance of acne. Dilute the clay with water to the state of sour cream and apply to a pre -cleaned face, let it dry. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with water and apply a moisturizer. Make masks 2 times a week.
I think these small tips for oily skin care, they will help you. And your face skin will look healthy, impeccably clean and beautiful!
Author: Natalia Konkova
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