01 Sep Coatings for entrance metal doors
Before you purchase a metal front door, you should figure out what types of materials are used for their decoration and what characteristics they have. After all, the front door is subject to constant environmental impact, and the materials covering it should have properties that will not allow the appearance of the door to come into an unsightly state ahead of time.
Основными материалами, которые используются для облицовки дверей являются винилискожа, пластик и ламинат, массивы дерева, шпон, напыление, так же существуют другие виды отделки, но в данной статье мы их рассматривать не будем.
So the veneer. It is a whole sheet glued together, dried using special technology of wood bars. When finishing the door, you can get a beautiful alternative to wooden doors, the use of valuable wood of wood will give your door a special chic. Doors lined with veneer always look spectacular. This material is environmentally friendly, and will not allow you to penetrate your home with excessive sounds, as well as allow you to maintain the warmth of your house.
If you want to use the veneer or arrays of wood when driving doors, remember that the tree tends to dry out of the heat, or deform and swell under the influence of moisture. And despite the fact that with wood is processed using special technologies to be more resistant to moisture, such doors require constant care and a very careful attitude.
Что касается пластика и ламината – эти материалы используются, в основном, при изготовлении дверей эконом класса, так как они недороги и технология обшивки ими дверей достаточно проста. These materials are unpretentious, do not require special care, and they are simply simply replaced with damage.
The most durable coating is powder spraying. Firstly, having chosen this type of decoration of the inlet metal doors, you get almost unlimited opportunities for the external design of the doors – the color scheme for powder coatings is very wide.
Secondly, you get a durable, reliable coating that does not deform, will not begin to crumble. And thirdly, such a coating has anti -corrosion properties and additionally protect your door from damage.
Based on materials from the site
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